Selasa, 15 April 2008


To : Mr. Robert
Subject : Meeting on Marketing Project

To increase our company in marketing performance, I will held a meeting on marketing project and I expect you to attend to share your experience on marketing. And the details are :

Time : 09.00 - 11.00
Date : 07 June 2008
Venue : AKBII Building
Facility : Re freshmen Provided

Attandance will be very much appreciated. Thank you.

Selasa, 01 April 2008

Customer and Supplier

...Transaction between Supplier Hand Bag with New Customer...

Supplier : Ahyar
Customer : Abdul Aziz

Abdul Aziz
I have learnt your offer about supply of hand bag. I'm interested with materials that you use to make hand bag. Would you like to send more details please.

Thank you for email received today. By the request from you, we hereby wish to submit my offer to you as follows:
* Small hand bag : Rp. 35.000-60.000
* Large hand bag : Rp. 45.000-90.000
We have been in hand made industry for more than 20 years. Please see the attached document for more details of our product and prices. If you need any information, please let me know.

Abdul Aziz
Thanks for your prompt reply. I'm interested with your product and the prices that within reach . ok I will order 10 hand bag, 7 for small hand bag and 3 for large hand bag. but I can't find your terms of payment in document you attached. Can you state it please.

Further to your last email, our terms of payment are :
* Via our Rekening
* We will send your order if you have pay all or 50% of your order.

Abdul Aziz
Ok, I will pay all my order via your rekening Wednesday morning. Please send on time. Thank you.